Woo-hoo!!! Pottermore is having it's early admission contest thing start today! (PS this is a scheduled post so I have no idea whatsoever what it is.) I'm not really sure what it is because I haven't looked yet. I am really excited though and if any of you guys receive this early admission please let me know what Pottermore really is. I am also happy to announce our first ever contest. Sadly I will not be giving away stuff but will be featuring your work in a post. I call it... drum roll please..... THE SUMMER READING REVIEW CONTEST THING!!!!! Anyway all you have to do is write a review and comment it then I will choose one of them to dedicate a post for. Pick any book you've read this summer or even an old favorite. The contest ends August 11th. I won't be posting until again until the day after with the winner.
Good Luck,
PS: I have figured out what it is now and have gained the early access. All you have to do is go on Pottermore and answer a trivia question then add the answer to the end of quill.pottermore.com for example,
How many Harry Potter Books are there? Multiply by ten. Answer=quill.pottermore.com/70
Then you will have to levitate the magic quill by moving your mouse in circles towards the top then the registration process will begin.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Bronze Dragon Mishap
Most Percy fans thought that Festus was the bronze dragon from The Demigod Files but I have figured out that it's almost impossible. The bronze dragon did not have wings and Festus did. So yeah short post but it's a little informal I guess.... Anyway happy reading,
PS: On the comments please tell me what your required summer reading was.
PS: On the comments please tell me what your required summer reading was.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rick's Mistake :Edited:
All of us Percy Jackson fans remember Blackjack right? Percy's Pegasus from the Titan's Curse? Anyway at the end of The Sea of Monsters when Percy 'freed' Blackjack it said that Blackjack was a girl. Then in the Titan's Curse it clearly stated and sounded like Blackjack was a boy. So that is the first PJ mistake I have ever found and it's driving me crazy. Let me know if you have noticed any more. Also, please use my check box things. I working to make all 6 options show up but I could take a while.
Edited-Also does anybody else remember that Percy and Annabeth both have grey streaks in their for holding up the sky?
Friday, July 22, 2011
I completely forgot that there may be people who do not want the movie spoiled so I can't say to much but it was great! After watching all 7 movies with my dad a finally got to see it last night. (A long 18 hours approx.) I loved the book and The movies were just as good. There is only one mistake from part 2 that I can remember and it has to do with a boathouse. I can't really say more without spoiling anything so I guess you'll have to see it if you want to find out.
PS: I'm reading the PJ series right now for the 3rd time so I may not be posting for a while because I don't do reviews for them unless you want me to of course. I am also still looking for help.
PS: I'm reading the PJ series right now for the 3rd time so I may not be posting for a while because I don't do reviews for them unless you want me to of course. I am also still looking for help.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Alright great news! I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 3rd or 4th time in a matter of 5 days! I will do a review after I see the movie (Which I will by the end of the week) Hopefully it will be a side-by-side review so you can compare book and movie(s). I have been screaming all week because I wore my favorite HP hat that says 'Wizarding World of Harry Potter' on it and my deathly hallows necklace. So everybody I run into says 'Have you seen the movie yet?' And I am stuck saying no. I probably could have seen it already but I'm watching all of the movies over again for preparation. (Even as I write this I'm listening to HP music-current track-The Hogwarts Hymn) So please no spoilers on site. I really don't want it ruined even though I know exactly how it ends. OK, switching gears. I'm sorry I haven;t got to post for 5 days, I was traveling and even those post were on a schedule. (I wrote them before I left and changed the post time.) Also I am ready for some feedback! I see that my blog really needs some more followers and I wondering what I can do to make it better. If there's no way to make it better than please just tell people!!! That really is the hardest part of blogging. You need to get your name out there so you tell people and they never get to it. So what can I do to make my blog worth the 15 seconds it takes to type in http://www.megsbookblog.blogspot.com/ ? Last time I got some great feedback and I am hoping that this time I will get even better.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Click Link for trailer-even if you're not into HP watch it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
A Whole Nother Story By Dr. Cuthbert Soup

The Cheesemans are on the run from 2 top secret agencies in which I don't know their names, but I can tell you that the villain's names are Mr. 5, Mr. 207, Mr. 88, and Mr. 29 from one secret agency and Leon the monkey, Agent El Kyoo, Agent Aitch Dee, and Pavel Dushenko. from other agencies. The Cheesemans have the LVR, a work-in-progress time machine and that's why the 'spies' are following them. They hope to go back in time to save their mother/wife, Olivia. Maggie is a the middle child, plays archery, takes great care of her hair, and finds her brothers crazy. Fun Fact: Her shampoo alone has wheat germ, honey, strawberry, coconut, apple pectin, pineapple, Canadian bacon, and her hair brush is made of porcupine quills. There is also Gerard, who is the youngest, has a sock puppet named Steve, (See cover) has balancing issues, and eats a lot of gum. (He says it helps him focus.) Jough, (pronounced 'Joe') Is the oldest child and would like to play at the world series. Fun Fact: Every time he has a dream where he's in the world series he doesn't have any pants. There's Pinky the physic, toilet bowl drinking dog, and of course Ethan Cheesman, the father, leader of the group. This was a great book and I recommend it if you're looking for a bit more humorous book.
PS: Congrats to Dr. Cuthbert Soup for becoming July's author of the month! I will be contacting him if you guys have questions. I need questions by the 20th.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Crazier Than Ever!
OK, we all know that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out on the 15th. We also know that normally it is 'tradition' to read the books again if you are going to see any book turned into a movie, especially if it's the last movie. So right now HP fans across the globe are spending their time reading the books. I remembered a bit late. The other day I ran around screaming, "I AM THE WORST HARRY POTTER FAN EVER!!!" so yesterday I did not start the series over but started to read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and made a bet with myself to read in a week remembering that I will be away for 3 days, (Don't worry I have posts planned for you guys) and that it's 760 pages. I read a whopping 330 yesterday I hope to maybe finish the book today or tomorrow at that rate. So yeah I'm insane trying this but I know if I had set my mind to it I could have read it in a day. (I know a girl that read Order of the Phoenix in a day, didn't eat dinner, didn't do nothing but read.) I might do a side by side review comparing both movies to book on what was the same what was different type of thing.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Racing In The Rain, My Life As A Dog By Garth Stein

This is an adapted version for kids of The Art Of Racing In The Rain. Even if you don't like dogs, read this book. It was one of those books that I will never for a day of my life forget. When you see life from a dog's point of view everything is different. This is the story of Enzo, her human family, and how to race in the rain. This is going to be very hard to explain because of reasons I don't know. Denny lives somewhere in Seattle, races a Porche, and works at a repair shop. Suddenly his wife dies of brain cancer and her parents want to have custody of his daughter, Zoƫ and begin to slowly make him broke. This is a good story anyway but when you see it how a dog sees it it's so much better. Anyway I highly recommend it. (5 Stars!)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
I Am Number 4 By Pittacus Lore

They caught Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
They killed them all.
I am Number 4.
I am next.
Daniel and Henri are living in Florida until word is that Number 3 has been killed. The Mogadorians will be after him next. They destroy everything that has there mark on and make new passports, birth certificates, new names for Daniel, now John, new ages, etc. and set off for Paradise, Ohio. Their goal here like everywhere else is not to be noticed so they can leave silently when the time comes. John is having a tough time with that. It all starts when Mark, the school bully, throws a meatball at him and this kid Sam's head. John and Mark are driving each other crazy mostly because they also fallen for the same girl, Sarah. She broke up with Mark a year ago and he still hasn't gotten over it and Sarah loves John. Anyway, John's Legacies begin to develop, and I won't tell you which ones in particular because that would ruin the story but Legacies are powers in a way. I probably should have mentioned this first but John and Henri both are from the planet Lorien but they and all of the other 'numbers' had to leave Lorien because they were ambushed by the Mogadorians in hope that one day they could come back and bring back all of the Loriens. There are also two types of Loriens, Garde, who develop powers like John, and Cepan, people like Henri who teach the Garde how to use their powers and such. This is a great book even though I make it sound awful and sorry about how I mention the important stuff last, I don't know what my issue is and I didn't have the patience to go back and fix it. Also this book is a great book for quotes like the one above and there's a second book as well, The Power of Six.
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