Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Prisoner's Dilemma By Trenton Lee Stewart

OK, first off I am not trying to trash this book but it was awful. The first one was great, the second OK, and the last bad. It was confusing, it droned on a bit, and I should have reread the other books first because it didn't really recap thing in the past very well. I had no idea what was going on half the time but the story line was probably good. (I couldn't tell what it was, hence no summary.) It also took me around a month to read which is never good because then you begin to forget things that happened in the beginning. The guy knows how to write a book but doesn't know how to make it make sense. Anyway there was one part in the back that cracked me up...

Why I Find Green Plaid So Annoying, And What I Intend to Do about It:

An Explanation of My Heroic Actions

For one thing, plaid's hideous, a pattern cooked up

By dimwit designers who must have been mad.

It's also perfidious (a word I looked up -

It means lots of different things, all of them bad).

Why it's nothing but lines! Lines and more lines!

Not one single curve! Not one polka dot!

What monstrous minds could have called these designs?

They ought to be caught and tied up in the spot!

But worse, even worse, is the fact that it's green,

The color you turn when you've eaten a bug,

And of all gross and nasty things I've ever seen,

Like pond scum and slime molds, or a horrible slug

All covered with fungus out in the backyard

That I say Tuesday night right before I got sick.

No matter how hard I have tried (I've tried hard)

I can't see green things without thinking, "Ick!"

So what can I do? There isn't much for it

If I'm to get rid of this hideous sight:

If green plaid I hate (and I do, I abhor it)

Then action is called for! A battle! A fight!

I must free the man who so long has been held

Behind prison fences ( that crisscrossing plaid)!

Long covered by so much grass-green it's a veld!

I must save this man who will soon be my dad!

(For if he's my dad, then with him I'll be seen!

So away with this plaid, and good day to this green!)


PS: Try to 1+ stuff that you find useful! Thanks!

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