Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Movie

I just bought the Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief and it is loaded with special features!!! There's a power quiz, god info, and more! Percy fans must get it!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

People are like, "The movie is nothing like the book!", that's because the book is only a base of the movie. I love the movie, yet I dislike it at times. I was hoping that the characters were more like the ones in the book on the outside and the movie didn't really compare to the first Harry Potter movie. The first one was so much LIKE the movie, but I can't say that I was disappointed, though. I still am a huge fan! Long Live Percy Jackson!!! I suggest The Red Pyramid and this book that's also good is, Love puppied and Corner kicks. I forgot the author, but I thin you'll find it. They should have percy Jackson day. If we can't have an official one, we might as will have an unofficial one. I think it should be Percy's Birthday!

Anonymous said...

i meant Love PUPPIES! sorry

Meghan said...

I'm soo with you LONG LIVE PERCY JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!