The Grim Grotto is about Violet,Klaus,and Sunny Baudelaire who have just lost track of Quigly their best friends long lost brother and find a submarine in where they meet Fiona, their old friend Phil the optimist, and Captain Widdershins. If you have been following the series you know that Count Olaf is trying to find the mysterious sugar bowl and that the V.F.D. [volunteer fire department] headquarters has burned down and that one of the Baudelaire parents might be alive. In this book Violet, Klaus, and Sunny find a mark on a map that says G.G. next to the Anwhistle Aquatics then they read in a book about mushrooms that says it is called the Gorgonian Grotto. Why in a mushroom book? Because in the grotto there is the deadly medusoid mycelium which is a type of poisonous mushroom.
I find these books fun to read because they are different in that they have unhappy endings. This is by Lemony Snicket