BEST NIGHT EVER! We got there around five so we had an hour to spare before Rick did a little speech. There was sooo much to do! First you could get Snake Spit (Italian Soda) or Phunkey Pharaoh (Sweet fruit smoothie) at the Cafe. Then you could get your picture taken as Carter or Sadie is one of those stick-your-head-in things or have
kohl (Pharaoh eyes) drawn on your face, then you could make ankhs or use hieroglyphic stamps. It was a blast! Then after waiting for an hour he made a speech. He said that
Son of Neptune would be coming out on October 3 or 4, (I forget and my camera died so I couldn't tape it and none of us could understand Mag's cell phone video.) and to check his website in 2 weeks for important news. (I forget what.) Then we waited
2 more hours for our turn to get signed. Everybody who bought a book go a wristband and let's just say we were number 11 and it took around 15 minutes for each letter to go. (Stupid letter K.) But we made it there eventually. And here our your answers...
Q: What inspired you to write The Kane Chronicles?
A: All of you fans
Q: What was your inspiration for Sadie?
A: British school girls and his mother who was raised in Britain like Sadie but was born in America.
So there you have it. I also asked him what Carter's birthday was and he told me he had to check his notes. But there's more yesterday he made a post about the event and here's what he said...
Everyone was so polite and enthusiastic, despite the long signing line. I met several ‘Sadie Kanes’ with combat boots and highlighted streaks in their hair. One even had her own boomerang wand, and was accompanied by Thalia Grace, with aegis shield and a sword. Awesome! Me and Mag were the only ones int the building with highlighted streaks. Also check this out...
Favorite comment of the night: I signed a book for a young girl who looked down at the inscription with absolute disgust. “What is that?” she demanded. I replied, “Er, that’s my signature.” I almost thought she was going to demand I erase it, or shout, “How dare you defile my book!” She accepted the explanation, but still looked pretty repulsed. Yes, my signature is not very pretty. Oh, well. Guess I’ll have to work on that. And one more thing,
Favorite Questions of the NightQ: Do you like Greek mythology?
A: What gave me away? That cracked me up! Anyway thanks for the question and putting up with this long post,